FMB encourages business owners to plan for major upcoming construction project

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FORT MYERS BEACH, Fla.- Plan for the worst, but hope for the best! That’s the strategy businesses on Fort Myers Beach have as the start of the Estero Boulevard redevelopment project gets closer.

“Plan now! Now is the time to start looking at it, now is the time to start thinking about it,” said FMB Chamber of Commerce President Bud Nocera.

He is encouraging all business owners to start planning as the island prepares for a major construction project along Estero Boulevard, that includes utility work, adding bike lanes and sidewalks.

“We want out businesses to be open and as healthy as possible during this time of construction,” said Nocera.

Nocera says financial and business planning is key to being successful during the construction. The chamber is even working with FGCU to provide free financial planning to business owners.

“How much staffing are they going to need, how are they going to attend too and have deliveries made while the construction is in progress.”

The Sea Gypsy Inn is one of the businesses in the heart of phase one of the project.

“It’s going to effect our foot traffic and with that it affects sales,” said Megan Zelenak at the Sea Gypsy Inn.

Right now, the first mile to undergo the makeover will go from Crescent Street to Lovers Lane.

“We are preparing our staff. It’s going to impact them and how they will get to the island.”

The town has looked to places around the state who have undergone similar project to see how they have handled disruption.

“We can be ready to deliver water to the hotels and restaurants, we can be ready to deliver ice to hotels and restaurants.”

Preliminary work along Estero is expected to start after Easter. Full construction may not happen until the summer.

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