Emergency hearing set for witness in Faust murder case

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FORT MYERS, Fla.- WINK News has learned there is now an emergency hearing scheduled on Monday for Cashae Smith, the key witness in the Andrew Faust Jr. murder case, who has refused to show up to court.

Smith told police that she saw who killed Faust Jr. back in October during a drive-by shooting. She identified Terrance Irons and Thomas Edison as the suspects.

Since then, she has not shown up for court appearances and there is now a warrant out for her arrest for contempt of court.

She may surface at an emergency hearing on Monday after hiring a local attorney to represent her.

Faust Jr.’s mother, Toyetta Simpson, has made an emotional plea to Smith to tell “her truth.”

Smith’s attorney says they are working to remove the warrant which forces Smith to testify against Edison and Irons.

On Facebook, Smith posted “why should I put my family life in danger, I don’t have to show up to nothing.”

Smith claims that she wasn’t properly served a subpoena to show up in court, but an investigator from the State Attorney’s Office tells WINK News, he gave Smith four subpoenas and spoke to her.

He says she understood what it was and then refused to take it. Trust WINK News to let you know what happens in court on Monday.

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