CCSO investigates deputy-involved shooting in Immokalee

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IMMOKALEE, Fla.- A man was rushed to the hospital after being shot by a Collier County deputy.

Deputies still have the area near Delaware Avenue taped off with crime scene as the investigation continues.

The man shot was identified as 67-year-old Pedro Nunez-Cisneros.

Detectives say a neighbor called authorities Thursday afternoon, saying he was fighting with a man who had a gun.

“The deputies advised the suspect several times to put the handgun down, to drop the weapon. The suspect refused,” said Cpl. Efrain Hernandez with the Collier County Sheriff’s Office.

One of the deputies fired at the suspect, saying he feared for his life.

The man who was shot was conscious and breathing. He was taken by ambulance to Lee Memorial Hospital.

Neighbors tell WINK News the man was a good guy who kept to himself.

“I know this man for a long time, he never had no problem with nobody,” said Clriacilia Clriant.

Nunez-Cisneros is charged with aggravated assault with a firearm. He may face other charges in the future.

The deputy who shot him is now on administrative leave until the sheriff’s office completes its investigation.

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