Bush swings at Trump, Rubio on national security

Gage Skidmore/ Flickr/ MGN

BEAUFORT, S.C. (AP) – Jeb Bush is swinging hard at fellow Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Donald Trump and John Kasich Wednesday, dismissing them as ill-prepared as he fights for his political survival.

The former Florida governor says Rubio’s claim that Bush has no foreign policy experience is “a low blow.” Bush touts his two terms as governor and 30-plus years in the private sector, which included overseas trade missions.

He called Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida, “a back-bencher” and “a guy whose office has a hard time actually saying what his accomplishments are.”

National security is a key issue in the South Carolina primary. Bush is in a fight with Rubio, Ohio Gov. Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for second place to Trump’s commanding lead in Saturday’s primary.

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