Areas affected by hurricanes see spike in cardiac trauma

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Glenn Frith and his family evacuated Southwest Florida ahead of Hurricane Irma six months ago. But the stress of clearing out his aviation business and boarding up his home was overwhelming to Frith.

“Was putting my son in his car carrier and felt a sharp pain in my chest,” he said.

When the family got to Georgia, that stress finally caught up to him—as a heart attack.

“It felt like 10 elephants sitting on my chest,” Frith said. “They got me into the ER and I died.”

Frith actually “died” four times while in the hospital, but was revived.

All Frith’s wife, Amy, could do was stand by and pray he’d be okay, as Hurricane Irma pummeled the home they left behind.

“I was crying and begging God to take my house and not my husband,” she said. “It was the perfect storm, and we didn’t even know it.”

But they’re not alone. Several studies show cardiac events spike in areas affected by hurricanes.

Dr. Brian Taschner is a cardiologist with Lee Health.

“Even for the weeks after the hurricane, there was a lot of stress. This increases inflammation, and inflammation is associated with heart disease,” Taschner said.

Eating poorly with a lack of healthy food, neglecting doctor’s visits and missing medication can also contribute to the problem.

But the Frith family says the storm changed them for the better.

“I’m thankful we’ve been given a second chance. I don’t believe in wasting that chance,” Amy said.

“I thought I was young. I see people in rehab who are 40. People are not taking care of themselves,” Glenn added.

Since the storm, both Glenn and Amy have started going to the gym regularly and eating a mostly vegan diet.

Doctors say focusing on cutting sodium and sugar out of your diet can go a long way toward a healthy heart.

For more information on heart health in Lee County, click here.

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