Collier County girls thrive in first year as Boy Scouts members

Writer: Jack Lowenstein
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News.

Earlier this year, Boys Scout of America changed its course and allowed girls to be in the scouts.

Troop 25-G is the only all girls troop that is a member of Boy Scouts in Collier County, and troop members had their rank advancement ceremony recently.

To help others at all times: That’s part of the scout’s oath. And, this year, boys aren’t the only ones reciting it.

“I joined in August,” said Alyssa Bradshaw with Troop 25-G. “I’ve learned how to communicate better with my peers.”

We spoke to girls who became members of the scouts in Collier County. Scouts such as Bradshaw told us how meaningful the acceptance means for them.

“I was shocked,” Bradshaw said. “I was thrilled, absolutely thrilled.”

For Bradshaw, that meant she no longer had to tag along on her cousin’s cub scout trips.

“My very first camping trip, we went to Camp Cocohatchee,” Bradshaw said. “It was my very first trip, so I learned a whole lot.”

Troop 25-G currently consists of nine girls, who, in 10 short months, have made countless memories.

“I’m really proud to be their scout master,” said Maggie Lincoln of Troop 25-G. “They just completely blossomed from February.

And the female scouts of learned life skills in the process of working in the field.

“They’re not handed their ranks. They are not handed their merit badges. It takes a lot,” committee member Velora Bishop said, Bradshaw’s aunt.

Bishop has been a mom in the scout community for five years and said the inclusion of girls brought new skills to the program. She brought dutch oven cooking into the troop, skills the boys are embracing as well.

Four of the girls with Troop 25-G left early Friday morning for Ocala National Forest. It’s part of their winter camp, where they’ll be able to sharpen skills and earn more merit badges.

“It’s working out real well,” said Fred Bradley, a Boy Scout master. “There are a lot like family. They go on campouts, and they’re just like brothers and sisters.”

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