When can you get that next haircut?

Reporter: Anika Henanger Writer: Jackie Winchester
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News

Many of you want to know when you can get that next haircut. Salons are sitting empty and hairdressers and barbershops are losing money.

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday said he’s working on safety requirements so they can get back to work.

What will those first appointments look like?

Studio RK Salon in Fort Myers said you won’t get in without a mask.

“We’re doing our part to keep our staff and our guests safe,” said Pamela Knight, co-owner.

Salons are completely reinventing the now safety-first salon experience.

“We have spaced out all of our stations, removed shampoo areas. We have created questionnaires, temperature checks,” Knight said.

That’s on top of offering masks and hand sanitizer, which is already second-nature to stylists, according to Krystal Gravel.

“To me, hairdressing is just like being a nurse, you’re constantly changing your gloves, you’re wearing a mask when you need, and following guidelines,” said Gravel, hairstylist and owner of KLV Salon in Fort Myers.

Many worry that salons can’t physically follow CDC guidelines.

“I’m going to have each client wait in the car. That way after each client I can clean everything,” Gravel said.

But like many others, Gravel has always worked solo, taking one client at a time. Now, she’s not working at all.

“Now I’d have to pay three months’ worth of rent in one month. I can’t even see how someone could even do that,” she said.

No money has come in for seven weeks for Matthew Cross, owner of Oliver’s Barbershop in Naples.

“It’s been too long. I’m getting no assistance. I mean what am I supposed to do? What are people supposed to do?”

All that we can do for now is plan.

“We are ready. We have spent hours and hours creating systems… we just need to get the green light,” Gravel said.

That green light, DeSantis said over the weekend, isn’t a matter of if, but when.

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