Cape Coral neighbors want to help fellow veteran clear away untidy yard

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Various items can be seen in the yard of veteran John Wahl’s home in Cape Coral. The various belongings have put Wahl in trouble with City of Cape Coral, as he faces fines for code violations. Credit: WINK News.

A veteran in need of help is living in extremely untidy conditions in Southwest Florida β€” a yard and home spilling over with junk and things he doesn’t use, with multiple code violations and calls to the region’s largest city.

On his bike rides, veteran Ted Illjes sees broken down cars, old appliances and broken down furniture all at a home in Cape Coral.

“It’s a vast improvement from what it was,” Illjes said.

It all belongs to veteran John Wahl.

“I’m a collector and an environmentalist,” Wahl said. β€œI’m not a hoarder.”

Wahl is also a Vietnam veteran, who suffers from PTSD. He made it clear to us he’s not interested in clearing the junk away.

“It’s a mess back there, but it’s none of their damn business,” Wahl said. β€œI want to get out of Cape Coral. I call it β€˜Cape Russia.’”

Cape Coral code enforcement has a long history with Wahl. He’s already been fined more than $5,000. In response, he put up a fence.

“With these strokes, I can’t remember nothing,” Wahl explained. β€œI carry keys around my neck. I have two cats. I don’t have nobody to help me.”

Frank Ramos is a fellow veteran. He stopped by to offer his help, but Wahl wasn’t home. He left his card and hopes Wahl will call him back.

“Because he’s a veteran, especially a veteran,” Ramos said. β€œIf he’s by himself, he needs some help of somebody else to come and get him.”

Illjes and his wife want to organize a group to help Wahl clean up.

“The vets, we like to stick together,” Illes said.

Wahl told us he will accept help from his fellow veterans.

“I think that’s very, very nice,” Wahl said.

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