What is and isn’t allowed at voting sites?

Reporter: Kellie Miller
Published: Updated:

There are just four days left to submit your ballot for the 2022 Election.

WINK News has received a lot of questions about what is and isn’t allowed at voting sites.

One of them was from Lori in North Fort Myers, who emailed WINK News and said she saw “an old beater can in the front parking space covered in Trump stickers… just wondering if that’s legal or not.”

Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle said: “You can’t solicitate voters 150 feet from the front door of the voting site.”

But when it comes to sticker-covered cars, it depends.

“If he parked in there and went to vote, it’s probably OK, but he can’t have signs inside that 150-foot mark. Or any type of solicitation. Outside that, you can do basically what you want,” Doyle said.

Lee County Supervisor of Elections explains what is and isn’t allowed at voting sites. (CREDIT: WINK News)

It’s also OK to change your mind.

Fort Myers local David Thomas asked for and received a ballot to vote by mail but then he decided to vote in person early.

“I just like the idea of being able to hit the button and register to vote. The machines are very easy to work, and the volunteers are very helpful,” Thomas said.

Hurricane Ian did lead to three big changes at the polls.

There are fewer places to vote, but you can do so at any of the 12 available sites regardless of your assigned precinct.

Early voting has been extended until Election Day.

And any poll workers in the last couple of years can volunteer.

“The training for poll workers was waived because at the start of training, we had no power at our training locations. So they allowed us to use poll workers who had been trained within the last two years. So all the poll workers we are using have experience,” Doyle said.

The other message Doyle wants to share is to vote now. Don’t wait until Election Day because they expect lines.

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