Jewelry of the future with AI

Reporter: Jillian Haggerty
Published: Updated:

One Fort Myers jewelry store is taking the art of jewelry making into the future, all with the help of AI.

People who might never wander into a jewelry store get brave during this time of year, hoping to make a special someone happy—that forces jewelers to be fearless.

Mark Loren, owner and founder of Mark Loren Designs, said, “Kind of like sprinting towards the edge of a cliff and at the last second not falling over the edge; that’s Christmas Eve.”

Loren found the courage to go where many jewelers don’t want to go: the world of artificial intelligence.

Mark uses AI technology to bring new visions to life. He showed us how he starts with what a customer wants.

“We gave us some parameters: the client’s number of stones and diamonds and sizes, and we kept asking it to refine different things for that client, so for instance, in this one, I could say, remove the really fine pieces in the center, make it simpler,” Loren said.

Mark pushes the boundaries of traditional jewelry-making, which made us wonder why Mark embraced artificial intelligence in the first place.

“My daughter really taught me about AI. I was visiting her in London. She was getting her master’s, and we were on a train to Scotland, and she happened to see I had chat GPT. She said, ‘Dad, do you know how to use that?’ I’m like, ‘no,’ so she proceeded to show me and also how to use different imaging programs with chat, so I could put in some different parameters, and it would start to give me some design,” he said.

Loren was quick to say that while he uses AI, “We are still doing the design, but the AI really assists us in coming up with more ideas. “

Loren predicts jewelers locally and worldwide will have no choice but to embrace artificial intelligence, just like every other business.

“I think if you’re not using AI now, whatever industry you’re doing, you’re gonna be behind, but, well, we’re using it in different areas. We’re using it with inventory management, things like that. Also, in our promotion, the billboard that’s out front, we’ve used a little bit for our billboard that’s out front, so ideas are all about ideas; how many ideas can we sift through, and AI learns about those things that are more us and gives us more of what’s more us,” he said.

Because in the end, it doesn’t matter where a good idea comes from, only that the good idea becomes real.

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