Traffic stopping alligator has been put down

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LEE COUNTY, Fla. – The alligator that stopped traffic along US 41 Sunday has been killed for its meat and hide.

The scene was quite the social media sensation, gathering more than a 100,000 views in just 24 hours on the WINK News Facebook page.

The 8-foot alligator stunned drivers just south of Lakes Park Sunday evening. The gator attracted a crowd of about 30 people snapping pictures and recording video of the unusual sight.

“It was actually kind of exciting because it’s not something you see on a day-to-day basis,” said Kayla Benton.

A women who was driving a blue car noticed the beast and pulled up next to the alligator to protect it from oncoming traffic.

That’s when the alligator wedged itself under the car. Florida Fish and Wildlife crews were able to remove the gator from under the car and into their truck.

Generally, an alligator may be considered a “nuisance” if it is at least 4 feet in length and is believed to pose a threat to people, pets or property.

FWC says it does not relocate nuisance alligators because they often try to return to their capture site. They can create problems for people or other alligators along the way. If an alligator successfully returns, capturing it again would be necessary and likely more difficult the second time.

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