The future of the Fort Myers Ferris wheel proposal

Reporter: Haley Zarcone
Published: Updated:

Is the third time the charm? Downtown Fort Myers is buzzing over the idea of a new eye in the sky.

On Thursday night, Steve Weathers gave his presentation on the proposed Ferris Wheel plan for the third time in a matter of months.

Currently, nothing is set in stone. For the historic preservation committee, there was no vote taken.

“I think there’s no real reason for us to have a presentation.” said one member.

Some board members questioned why even see the presentation if they can’t act on it

“If this was a homeowner, a homeowner could not come before and just say, ‘Well, this is what I’m thinking about doing,'” said Gina Sabiston.

Sabiston is on the committee. She explained that they can’t review the idea until there is an official plan, even if it will be in their historic district.

“I wasn’t even there to talk about the Ferris Wheel, and I’m quite concerned that this seems to be the best thing that the city has to do with their time,” said Fort Myers resident Sara Burke.

Public comment was lacking in the Ferris wheel department, but those who did speak echoed the same thoughts.

“We are totally, all the board and the membership, opposed to placing a Ferris wheel or a flywheel on historic property or adjacent to historic property downtown,” said Virginia Harper, a member of the Lee Trust Board. “We believe it cheapens and chip, chip, chips away at our ability to preserve what’s left of Fort Myers.”

The meeting ended with more questions than answers.

One person even asked, ‘What happens when the Ferris wheel falls into the Caloosahatchee after a major storm?’

Board members said they wanted that answer, as well as a few others. They also want a firm plan before they can speculate on their feelings on the wheel.

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