Business owner says Collier Clerk of Courts refuses to pay for work

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COLLIER COUNTY, Fla.- A business owner says he’s out hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Buddy Quarles, who owns BQ Concrete, says the Clerk of Courts refuses to sign off on paying him. Quarles tells WINK News he’s now had to lay off six workers.  That’s almost half his workforce.

“It’s been almost three months since I’ve been paid,” said Quarles.

Quarles showed us more than 30 invoices he says county staff has already approved.

“It is not fair,” said Quarles.

Quarles has worked for the county for 17 years, fixing and installing sidewalks, curbs and gutters. He says his company even fixed the sidewalk along Vineyards Boulevard, but still hasn’t gotten paid.

The company’s general manager Bill Summers tells WINK News if the company closes, he’ll be forced to look for a new job.

“Extremely frustrating,” said Summers. “I live off paycheck to paycheck now like everybody.  When the check’s not there what are you gonna do?”

WINK News reached out to the Clerk of Courts who told us there’s some potential discrepancies in the county’s contract with BQ Concrete. The office is now doing an internal audit and can’t comment on camera because it’s an internal investigation.

Quarles says he thinks he may be caught up in the clerk’s battle with county leaders.  Commissioner Georgia Hiller says the clerk might be trying to influence the board’s policy decisions.

“He’s doing it, using abusive tactics like withholding payment or litigation which is completely unjustified,” said Commissioner Hiller.

The commissioner says she’s working with the county attorney to review the case and get Quarles paid.

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