Lee County parents angry about overcrowded buses


FORT MYERS, Fla.- Students crowding into seats, standing in the aisle and even sitting on the floor as Lee County school buses are packed more than capacity.

Students on the Dunbar High School bus counted more than 75 people on a bus that is only supposed to hold 65. Parents say it’s been happening for weeks and no one wants to take responsibility.

“You’d have people sitting on laps, three to a seat. I’ve sat in the aisle twice in the mornings,” said Paul Schrack, senior at Dunbar High School.

Schrack’s mom, Denise Edwards contacted WINK News after seeing her a photo and video her son took of the crowded bus.

“The kids are telling the bus drivers there’s too many people on there. They’re not doing anything about it and so I  got to the point where I’m like, this is ridiculous, something has to change. I started by calling the school. The school is telling me it’s not their responsibility, they’re saying it’s the bus company’s responsibility,” said Edwards.

Edwards called the bus company but they said the buses aren’t overcrowded. The school district says Dunbar High School has seen a 35 percent increase in students this year and buses are in fact being used at maximum capacity.

“I’m angry because I feel like they are ignoring my children’s safety. They’re putting them at risk,” said Edwards.

The school district tells WINK News the East Bus Compound took three stops away from that bus. The change is expected to take about 20 students off of that specific bus and put them in a less crowded one.

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