How bad could a hurricane be?

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Time and again, hurricanes have proven themselves to be potentially deadly storms.

Yet, some still refuse to take the threat of a hurricane seriously — instead stocking up on beer and snacks to munch on while they watch the “show!”

After every recent hurricane, these are also the people who are waiting in long lines in the blazing sun for ice, food and water – or who are relying on the kindness of neighbors and friends who had the good sense to properly prepare for a hurricane’s aftermath.

A hurricane is an awesome, powerful weather event that has the potential to destroy property and take lives.

How bad could a landfalling hurricane be?

A Category 3 storm can propel trees and tree limbs through windows and roofs while taking down power lines and destroying smaller homes.

A Category 5 monster packs enough wallop to cause complete building failure.

A storm of any size has the potential to cause flooding just about anywhere. Hurricane Charley made landfall in Cayo Costa on August 13, 2004. Lives were lost during and after the Category 4 hurricane.

Know the risks and potential for damage and do what you can to get out of harm’s way, if you’re told to do so.

Remember, the better party would be the one you have AFTER the storm to celebrate your family and friends’ survival!

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