‘The Whale’ restaurant to break ground on new building

Author: Jillian Haggerty
Published: Updated:

New life for a restaurant after Hurricane Ian swept through, leaving it in ruins.

The Whale is a place that has shown great strength and determination.

They’ve turned their temporary tent into a beloved community hub and are now ready to break ground on a new building.

When speaking with the owners, they said working out of this tent was not for the business but to have a place where the community could come together, especially after Hurricane Ian.

But it has been obstacle after obstacle for The Whale. The owners said they bought the restaurant three months before Ian hit, but they were not going to give up. Now, a year later, working out of the tent, it has become a community staple and a place they call home.

Customers, state representatives, Fort Myers Beach mayor Dan Allers and others all came out to share their gratitude toward The Whale and to celebrate new beginnings.

“It was very slow in the beginning, and we had a great season for being a tent, but it has served its purpose, and there are many who would rather have the tent than a new building, but not me,” said Dawn Miller, owner.

The owners said they plan on starting construction at the end of the month.

The new restaurant should be built in 12-14 months. For now, it will be open and celebrating each step of the process until then from the tent.

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