Floods impact Everglades City

Author: Jillian Haggerty
Published: Updated:

When it rains, it pours, and Southwest Florida knows that all too well.

Over in Collier County, it wasn’t any better.

Goodlette Frank Road in Naples looked more like a river as people made their daily drive, and it poured down in Everglades City.

We were in Collier County all day, and almost everywhere we went was underwater.

We spoke with a Naples resident who said this is just something we’re going to have to deal with.

“We have these once-in-a-lifetime events in Naples where you get these downpours for 3-4 days, so you just can’t stop living. You just go out and get wet,” said Naples resident Stephen Kalman.

We even saw people kayaking through the flood water.

When we tried driving through, our truck got stuck not once but twice. It was very deceiving how deep the water got at certain parts of the roads.

For the remainder of this week, the rain is going to continue.

Backroads are where it gets more dangerous, especially at night, because you can’t see how deep it is.

Your best move is just to turn around and find a different way.

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