Family believes new drug killed Cape Coral 20-year-old

Author: Christina Lusby
Published: Updated:

CAPE CORAL, Fla.- A new, dangerous drug has made its way to Southwest Florida. A family says the drug killed 20-year-old Richie Gley after it was given to him in the form of a jello shot.

Gley was found lying dead near Trafalger Parkway Thursday night. Cape Coral Police are looking into it and are calling it a death investigation.

Gley’s family says he had been at a party with friends. They say he didn’t know what was inside a jello shot until his body began to react violently.

“They were offered jello shots and I heard after he drank it he started to vomit, and became like the Hulk, like incredibly strong,” said the victim’s mother Shannon Gley.

The drug, 25I-NBOMe, is also known as “N-bomb” or “Future.” It’s a hallucinogen, similar to LSD.

The family says a powder form of the drug was dissolved into the jello shots. After ingesting it, the victim’s mother says it caused his heart to stop.

“He was told it was something else after the fact, after he swallowed it. It left me without a son.”

TheĀ mother says a friend tried to take RichieĀ home but he didn’t make it.Ā “He tried to grab the steering wheel, tried to choke his friend andĀ stepped on the accelerator. Then he started to run and he ran away.” RichieĀ died about a mile away from home.

“I miss him a lot,” said his sister Alicia Gley. “He did everything for me.”

25I-NBOMe was created in 2003 as a research drug. It’s said to cause symptoms such as hallucinations, vomiting and even death. It comes in various forms including strips, pills and powder.

The Drug Enforcement Administration says the product is being abused along the Gulf Coast.

“All I can say is all those young kids out there, you better think twice,” said Shannon Gley.

The drug has shown up across the nation. Teens in Virginia, Arkansas and Oregon have all been hospitalized or died from using it.

Cape Coral Police are investigating, but have not officially released their report on what was the cause of death.

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