Healthy Kids: Staying hydrated

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FORT MYERS, Fla. – It’s the heat of summer and now is a good time to remind everyone how important it is to stay hydrated.

Last week, Dr. Annette St. Pierre-Mackoul talked about heat injuries in Florida. Now she’s explaining hydration and electrolyte solutions,
Hydration:  Water vs. Sports Drinks:

Exercise < 60 minutes + Low Intensity = water
Exercise < 60 minutes + High Intensity = diluted sports drink
Exercise > 60 minutes + Low Intensity = water should be OK
Exercise > 60 minutes + High Intensity = sports drink
Why use Sports Drinks:

Electrolytes = regulate nerves and muscles
Carbohydrates = restore the body’s glycogen – or fuel – levels
Water = hydration
Helps the body achieve optimal performance during exercise
All electrolytes are not equal:  Sodium

Sodium is the most important = Salt
Helps the body hold onto, and supply the body with, water
Guideline = 2300 mg per day
Average intake = 3000 mg
In processed foods – not recommended
In beverages like ‘sports drinks’
Women are more sensitive than men
Best Absorption by the stomach and intestines:

Cold fluids
Less sugar
Low carbohydrates (6-8%)
OK to dilute Sports Drinks
Goal: rehydration vs. energy replenishment
Gatorade G2 vs. Gatorade vs. Powerade:

20 vs. 50 vs. 50 calories per serving (8 oz)
110 vs. 110 vs. 100 mg sodium
30 vs. 30 vs. 30 (same) mg potassium
5 vs. 14 vs. 14 grams of carbohydrates
Coconut Water:

43 calories per serving (8oz)
39 mg of sodium
495 mg of potassium
11 grams of carbohydrates
Potassium is less important than sodium
Endurance Sports Drinks:

50 – 70 calories per 8 oz.
120-190 mg of sodium
13 – 17 gm of carbohydrates
How much to drink?

Pee check = should be light lemonade
Weight divided by 2 = # oz you should drink a day.
Before exercise, take in 16-24 oz fluid
Add 1 cup every 15 min. of exercising
Add 1-2 cups after exercising
Another check:

Weigh yourself before and after exercising
Every pound lost = replenish with 2.5 cups of fluid
Never lose more than 3% of body weight (4.5 lbs for 150 lb person)

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