Man found guilty in DUI crash appeals; family hopes he stays behind bars

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Jessica Riner lost her husband Cecil in a crash while on her way to a Christmas party in 2015.

Later, a jury found Rene Miles guilty in June of causing the crash while driving drunk.

But now, Miles is claiming innocence and asking to be released on bond during the appeal.

“I don’t care if he rots really. I don’t care. I have no sympathy for what he’s going through. He’s getting exactly what he deserves,” Riner said.

Riner got the trial result she was hoping for, but she says she knew the appeal was going to happen soon after.

“I was warned by the state attorney this could happen. Did I think he was going to have an option to get out on bail? Absolutely not. I did not even realize that was an option, so that’s a little heart wrenching for me because he deserves to pay for what he’s done,” Riner said.

Toxicology reports showed that Miles had at least eight and a half drinks before getting behind the wheel that night. His defense argued that even though he was drinking, he didn’t cause the crash.

“I was just really annoyed sitting in there listening to him talk, trying to say he’s innocent,” Riner said. “And really he wasn’t remorseful through the whole thing. Had he been remorseful and acted like he cared, maybe I would have a different outlook on things, but I don’t care what happens to him to be honest. He ruined my family. He ruined my kids’ life.”

Riner adds that ever since the crash, she’s left holding onto every memory of her husband that she possibly can. And says all she can do is stay hopeful that Miles remains behind bars.

“What annoys me is that he wants to get his affairs in order and he wants to work and do this, but Cecil (didn’t have) an option to get his affairs in order. He worked up until two hours before he was killed,” Riner said.

A decision is expected to be made soon on whether or not Miles is allowed out on bond while his appeal plays out.

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