How to tell if you’re suffering from ‘COVID fatigue’

Reporter: Andryanna Sheppard Writer: Drew Hill
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News

The coronavirus pandemic has been plaguing the United States for about four months. With the number of cases still rising across the country, and Southwest Florida hitting around 25,000 itself, this is leaving many people nervous and not knowing when the end is coming.

“People are more exasperated than I’ve ever seen them,” said Dr. Laura Streyffler, licensed mental health counselor.

From personally testing positive for COVID-19 to knowing someone who has or even just seeing people wearing masks, we are all continually being reminded of this pandemic and how it has affected our lives.

We’re no longer able to enjoy the same large gatherings such as weddings and concerts that we used to. Even something as mundane as grocery shopping has changed.

So if you’re tired of being sheltered inside or your home during lockdown you may have what experts have been describing as COVID Fatigue.

“I’ve seen a lot of people sick and tired of being sick and tired,” Dr. Streyffler mentioned.

Doctor Streyffler believes this feeling of tiredness is connected to a sense of grief people are feeling. “Because even though things may not stay the way they are, in a lot of ways, a lot of people believe this is the new normal. So they are grieving the old normal and it’s a huge loss for a lot of people,” she said.

Dr. Streyffler wants to remind everyone that while we may not be able to control when or how the pandemic ends, that we can control the kindness and grace we show ourselves and others during this uncertain time.

We need to know that everybody is battling the idea of this virus in a different way,” Streyffler added. “People feel like they are walking on eggshells with this virus and it’s been going on for so long they have that ‘I have one nerve left and you’re on it.’ and to remember when you are running into people be kind.”

If you or someone you know is experiencing mental exhaustion or having mental health concerns, there are resources available.

Remembering that we are not alone and that we’re all going through and are going to get through this together is the first step.

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