Cape Coral moves ahead with panhandling ordinance

Writer: Derrick Shaw
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News

It’s all about safety and getting people on the side of the road away from traffic.

Cape Coral City Council decided Wednesday to open up public comment on a new panhandling ordinance. If the ordinance is enacted, panhandlers could face 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.

The public hearing will be June 16.

The city’s proposal comes on the heels of one passed by Lee County commissioners in April that prohibits people standing in medians to collect money from drivers.

In 2020, CCPD received 122 calls for panhandling complaints, and 2021 has seen 56 already.

Cape Coral Ordinance 54-21
The Ordinance amends the City of Cape Coral Code Of Ordinances, Chapter 12, “Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions”, by creating Article XV, “Dangerous Use of Public Rights-Of-Way”, Section 12-130, pertaining to the dangerous

In all public hearings for which an applicant or applicants exist and which would affect a relatively limited land area, including but not limited to PDPs, appeals concerning variances or special exceptions, and small-scale rezonings, the following procedures shall be utilized in order to afford all parties or their representatives a full opportunity to be heard use of the public rights-of-way in the City of Cape Coral, by providing for the prohibition of stopping or standing in a median that is not a sufficient pedestrian refuge, providing for the prohibition of physical interaction between a pedestrian and an occupant of a motor vehicle that is not legally parked, and providing for enforcement and penalties. (Applicant: Brought forward by City Management.)

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