Neighbors on Fort Myers Beach prepare for flooding

Reporter: Amy Galo Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

Fort Myers Beach has always been prone to flooding but with so many still recovering from Hurricane Ian, big rain events like this bring about uneasiness.

“I literally just went to Ace Hardware and bought their last sump pump. So here we are,” said Fort Myers Beach resident Kelley Hall.

The incoming weather is putting a damper on Selah’s summer plans.

“It’s going to be raining, and it’s not going to be nice cause we only have probably a few more weeks,” said Selah Hall.

Rain is on its way to southwest Florida. Some areas could see as much as 20 inches.

“I figure to ward off some of the water I can drain my pool down. Hopefully, have that be the reservoir to keep all the standing water in versus my house,” said Hall.

Of course, Fort Myers Beach is no stranger to flooding, but since Hurricane Ian, it’s different now.

“We’ve had enough here. It’s been pretty bad. Last year was interesting because we didn’t even think about the hurricane season. I think we’re all still in shock. And now this year, everybody’s like, hey, are you reading that forecast?” said Fort Myers Beach resident Nancy Bartelt.

With so many out there still rebuilding or just finishing the rebuilding process, water can cause trouble.

“Water is the worst enemy,” said Hall.

“I just hope we get through this and don’t have any damage,” said Bartelt.

Robert Burns, on the other hand, isn’t sweating it. He’s just grateful it’s not another h-word.

“If another hurricane comes, I think I’ll leave the town again. But no, I’m not too worried about it this week. ” said Burns.

Wink News reached out to all of the local fire departments to ask if any would be handing out sandbags; so far, none have said they are, but a few did tell us that could change.

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