How did new homes fare on Fort Myers Beach after Debby?

Reporter: Amy Galo
Published: Updated:

Two very different storms are teaching very similar lessons to the people of Fort Myers Beach.

WINK News Reporter Amy Galo caught up with residents she’s spoken to in the past about how Tropical Storm Debby may have impacted their road to recovery.

While Debby and Jamie Hotka are set to finish up construction of their new home in December, their neighbor just about a block away, Susan Hayes, has no end-date in sight.

Tropical storm Debby brought heavy rain and storm surge to Fort Myers Beach, but Debby and Jamie’s new home, which they have built up higher than before, acted like a fortress by the sea.

“Both sides of us just had quite a current going, and both the currents were meeting in Estero in front of us,” said Debby Hotka. “But right here (our home) was dry.”

Residents along Estero told WINK they couldn’t believe the flooding over the weekend.

“It was a lake, from Anchorage to over by the church; all of those lots over there were flooded,” said Hotka.

Lots like Susan Haynes’, just across the street. She’s also rebuilding after Hurricane Ian.

“It was scary,” said Haynes. “We all thought we were going over. My motorhome flooded from the rain. It ripped a part of the roof off, and then it (water) came up from underneath.”

While Hayne’s still got a while to go before her home’s back, Debby and Jamie expect to finish up by December.

“We’ll celebrate Christmas with the family here even if it’s not decorated. If it’s just finished and a mattress on the floor,” said Hotka. “All 18 of us will be very happy to be here.”

And after Debby, the Hotka’s have all the confidence in the world: they’re ready for another hurricane.

“We know we’re up high enough,” Debby and Jamie explained. “We know that the house will stand up to that. The bottom, of course, is designed if there’s more storm surge to break away.”

Meanwhile, Susan and her sister have vowed to rebuild their own home themselves, and while there have been many obstacles, they’re optimistic.

“We are confident,” said Haynes. “It’s just one thing after another trying to take us back, but it’s not going to do it.”

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