Father of double-murderer speaks out

Reporter: Maddie Herron Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

Justice will soon be served. The family and friends of these two women have spent the last four years waiting for their killer to be sentenced.

Wade Wilson is convicted of murdering two women in Cape Coral.

On Monday night, WINK News learned more about his past from his biological father.

In June, Steven Testasecca took the stand and testified against his own son. He said hearing the details of how Wade Wilson murdered these women was ‘the worst thing he had ever heard in his life.’

With his son’s life on the line, Testasecca spoke with a podcast host about how he is torn on how to feel if the judge calls for death row.

Wade Wilson awaits his final punishment for the brutal murders of two Cape Coral women in 2019. Years of court appearances will culminate in a judge’s decision on Tuesday.

Will Wilson get life in prison or be put on death row?

“That’s something I will have to think about for the rest of my life, you know, my child possibly getting executed,” said Testasecca.

Steven Testasecca is Wilson’s biological father.

The two reconnected later in life, but their most recent interaction was on the witness stand.

The father helped detectives track down his son after he made a chilling phone call confession. It was a difficult decision Testasecca spoke about on the YouTube channel ‘Lockdown 23 and 1.’

“The truth about it is, for years, I’ve told my wife. I said my biggest fear is one day he is going to kill one of these girls,” said Testasecca.

Not one, but two.

Diane Ruiz and Kristine Melton are the two innocent women killed by Wilson after a night out.

Testasecca said he is thinking of their loved ones, broken by the loss.

“These lives forever are changed for something that should have been avoidable,” said Testasecca.

“You need to think about these two women’s families, you know, their children, man. It’s not just Wade that is going through something. They have to watch this if they choose to, and they know what it feels like to go through what they went through… and I can assure you. It was horrific.”

Horrific actions, Testasecca said leave him torn on his son’s future.

“I don’t know… there’s no rehabilitation in prison. It’s no different than an animal shelter.”

“With the things he has done and some of his life choices, he knows he can’t freely walk a prison yard.”

Death row or life in prison? That answer is only hours away. It is worth noting. The jury recommended death back in June.

Wade Wilson will be here at the Lee County Courthouse on Tuesday at 9 a.m.

WINK News will be inside the court room and bring you coverage the moment the decision comes down.

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