Clerks fend off would-be robber with curtain rod, vacuum

Author: Associated Press
MGN Online

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) – Deputies say an armed man got more than he bargained for when he attempted to rob a home decor store near Orlando.

The Orlando Sentinel ( ) reports the two female clerks at the Home Fabrics and Rugs store used a curtain rod and a vacuum to fend off Javier Ryes Martinez on Monday night. He was armed with a knife.

According to deputies, 32-year-old Martinez walked into the store around 7 p.m. and demanded money from the cash register. When the women ran he chased them through the store. While one woman used a curtain rod to beat him back, the other employee threw a chair and a vacuum cleaner at him. They also threw other household items at him.

He remains in jail facing armed robbery charges.

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