LCSO: 2 dead in San Carlos Park

Author: wink news
Published: Updated:

LEE COUNTY, Fla.- Authorities are on the scene of a death investigation at a home on Unique Circle in the San Carlos Park area.

Family members tell WINK News two people, a husband and wife, are dead.

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office responded to the home in the Sheltering Pines Mobile Home Park off U.S. 41 around 9 a.m. Friday.

The sheriff’s office has not released the identity of the victims. Neighbors say they heard what sounded like gunshots Friday morning.

Tammy Rawson tells WINK News, it is her son and his wife who are dead.

“The mental health system in this state let another mentally ill person down. They let him down.”

Rawson said her son suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, but she wouldn’t tell us what happened.

“He had a very serious, life-threatening mental illness. Life-threatening for sure. Now, now we know it was life-threatening.”

Deputies say one person died at the scene, the other died after being taken to a nearby hospital.

“At this point in time, we believe that incident is isolated, and the community is not in danger,” said Lt. Scott Lineberger with LCSO.

Meanwhile, Rawson and her family are trying to wrap their heads around the shocking tragedy.

“It hasn’t set in yet. I have to keep it together. I’ve got grandchildren to look after.”

Rawson says the couple had four young children. She says they’re currently in the custody of the Department of Children and Families. She also added that they didn’t hear or see anything.

The home is still taped off as authorities continue the investigation.

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