Bee-hind the Scenes of Honey Making


FORT MYERS, Fla. – Florida bees are hard at work year round producing honey, in fact the sunshine state is one of largest honey producing states in the country. Last year producing more than $26 million of the the sweet gooey treat.

Heritage Pointe Pure Honey in Fort Myers is one of Florida’s local honey producers and made around 10,000 pounds of honey last year, with about 500 bee hive boxes throughout Southwest Florida. Bees can produce anywhere from 200 to 250 pounds of honey per hive box, per season and obviously work year round in Florida.

Heritage Pointe Owner, Don Murray, supervises over his bee fields and removes the frames of honey from the bee hive boxes when ready. A typical bee filed of Murray’s can be home to anywhere from 50,000 to 2.5 million bees.

Once the frames are removed and free of any lingering bees, Murray heads back to the honey house, where the honey is extracted, bottled and prepared for sale. Heritage Pointe Honey is then sold at local farmers markets throughout the year around Southwest Florida.

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