Skinny-dipping woman defies deputies, arrested in Port Charlotte

Reporter: Zach Oliveri Writer: Melissa Montoya
Published: Updated:
Heather A. Kennedy (CREDIT: Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office)

A woman was arrested after being accused of trespassing and skinny-dipping in a man’s pool in Port Charlotte.

Jim Clark returned to his Cambridge Drive home after a doctor’s appointment and found 42-year-old Heather A. Kennedy in his pool.

Her clothing was strewn across his lanai.

“We saw like a shirt and some shoes and a bag, you know, and like a couple denim shorts and a jacket,” Clark explained. “Totally unreal, you know?”

At that point, Clark discovered Kennedy in his pool without her clothes on.

“She was basically just lying down, head on the bricks on the side of the pool and … just totally incoherent,” Clark said.

Charlotte County deputies requested the woman put on her clothes and get out of the pool, but she resisted, becoming “hostile” and “demanding they leave her alone.”

“Just a kind of feel violated, and it’s not something you hear of every day,” Clark said.

Clark said she eventually tried to get away after deputies responded to his home.

“She was walking out the door, and one of them was running after her,” Clark said. “And so then, they got next-door, got her stopped, and three of them got her handcuffed and put her in the car.”

Kennedy declined to give her name but was later identified through the use of jail booking photos.

The Clark’s pool wasn’t Kennedy’s first stop. Jim Clark’s neighbor, Edna Croley, said she tried to get into hers.

“She was at the screen door of my pool trying to get it open,” Croley said. “But luckily, I always lock my screen doors to the pool.”

Clark said his pool screen doors were unlocked, and he said won’t let that happen again when he’s not home.

Kennedy remains in Charlotte County Jail and faces charges for trespass and resisting officers without violence.

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