Family trapped in Gaza as Israel prepares for ground invasion

Reporter: Claire Galt Writer: Rachel Murphy
Published: Updated:

WINK News Reporter Claire Galt was the first to introduce Emilee Rauschenberger and her dire situation: trapped in Gaza with her husband and five kids.

Rauschenberger is one of 30 people in a shelter and was visiting her husband’s family when the attack happened Oct. 7. 

As Israel prepares for a ground invasion, Emilee and her family fight to get through the Egyptian border every day. They have been turned away each time.

“It’s ironic, I suppose. There’s just not enough political will for some reason as we push for more assistance for Americans in Gaza. If they’re concerned about American lives, it should be all American lives,” Rauschenberger said.

family in Gaza
Gathering water in Gaza (CREDIT: WINK News)

Her mission is to make life as “normal” as possible for the kids. They face long lines for bread and get their water from a horse pulling a water jug.

Rauschenberger’s father, John Rauschenberger, lives in Bonita Springs and worries for their safety.

During a White House briefing on Monday, a spokesman said the talks to get Americans stuck in Gaza out are “complicated.”

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