Guardian Program green-lit for Glades County schools

Author: CAMILA PERIA Writer: Paul Dolan
Published: Updated:
guardian program
Training for the Guardian Program. CREDIT: WINK News

Another Southwest Florida school is exploring whether to arm staff to keep children safe.

The Glades County School Board gave the sheriff’s office the go-ahead to apply for a $100,000 grant to start the Guardian Program.

Curtis Clay, the assistant director of school safety for Hendry County schools, trains staff members who carry guns on school campuses.

Each one undergoes continuous training and a background check.

In most programs, the staff conceal carry, but in Hendry County schools, they’ll open carry as soon as next year.

“We advanced to hiring individuals that will be putting on an actual uniform and open carry as a guardian. Their primary job is to do school safety and security on the campuses that are assigned,” said Clay.

The uniform will have the word “guardian” on it.

The statewide program launched in 2018 after the Parkland massacre.

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