Winners unchanged in Naples elections after machine, manual recounts

Author: Aisling Swift, The Naples Press
Published: Updated:
Credit: Liz Gorman/The Naples Press

A lawyer for mayoral candidate Gary Price suggested he would contest the city of Naples election after a machine recount confirmed Mayor Teresa Heitmann won. 

Heitmann was declared the winner after mail-in, provisional and absentee ballots pushed her lead over Price, a former vice mayor, to 22 votes—a margin confirmed during a machine recount March 23. 

Attorney John Cycon, who represents Price, told the Collier County Canvassing Board that 18 countywide provisional ballots discarded on March 22 could change the results when added to 89 under- and over-votes. That number includes 88 residents who voted for no mayoral candidate and one who voted for more than one, an over-vote. The overvotes are tossed out. 

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