Lehigh Acres neighbor accuses construction company of mistakenly tearing up lot

Reporter: Justin Kase
Published: Updated:

Along 27th Street West in Lehigh Acres, neighbors knew it was only a matter of time before the lots next to them were developed.

But this lot, according to Tessa McDowell, was never supposed to be developed.

“I jumped out, and I was like, ‘Hey, hey, what are you guys doing?’ And the dude kind of looked at me like, what are you doing? And I was like, ‘This is my lot. This is my lot,'” said McDowell said.

Tessa Mcdowell took a video Thursday afternoon of the crews clearing her lot.

“He got on the phone and called somebody, and the lady was like, ‘I think we have the wrong lot.’ I was like, ‘So, what are you guys going to do?'” McDowell said.

McDowell explained what was going through her mind when she saw them tearing down the trees, grass and palmettos on her property.

“I have holes in my yard, like, you guys have dug up everything,” McDowell said.

Some neighbors are perplexed that this kind of mixup could happen, but even they know that navigating out here can sometimes be confusing.

“Google Maps messes up,” said Chris Servicky, Lehigh Acres neighbor. “We had a problem with 911. Wouldn’t even come to our house. They would go to another address.”

At the end of the day, McDowell expects the construction company to do the right thing and restore this lot to its former glory.

“I understand there are mistakes and everything like that, but I didn’t do it. Like, just come and fix it. I’m not asking for anything extra,” McDowell said.

We reached out to the construction company to see when they plan on fixing the lot they cleared out, but we did not hear back.

McDowell said she also tried calling the company on Friday but couldn’t get in touch with anyone either.

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