Company fixing lot its crew accidentally cleared in Lehigh Acres

Author: Jillian Hagerty
Published: Updated:

It’s a miscommunication that upset neighbors in Lehigh Acres.

Q Construction of Lee demolished a lot Tessa McDowell owned; now the company is showing up to do the right thing by correcting their mistake of tearing down her trees.

“When I came home from work. I was driving down the street. My son goes, ‘Mom, why’s there a truck in front of the yard?’ I was like, ‘There’s construction around the neighborhood.’ I got closer, and there’s a big, I don’t know what it’s called, but it was digging in my yard,” said McDowell.

On Friday, WINK News tried reaching out to Q Construction of Lee on the miscommunication. On Tuesday morning, WINK reporter Jillian Haggerty was able to get those answers.

Neighbors said they just want things made right.

“Maybe put some sod back and maybe a couple of trees. Make it look, you know, natural,” said Lehigh resident Chris Servicky. “Everybody makes mistakes, as long as they make it right.”

When speaking with the operations manager, Magva Rodriguez, she explained what went wrong.

“Lehigh area is a vast area of unmarked territories, and they all look the same with the same trees and everything,” said Rodriguez.

Q Construction said they want to make up for the mistake they made.

“We sent people over there to clean up the whole mess. The excavator cleaned up the area nicely, and we are going to plant seeds,” said Rodriguez.

The company cleaned up the mess that was left from Friday and apologized for the situation and said this never has never happened for them before.

“I personally apologized to the lady on the phone,” said Rodriguez, “and she spoke to me, and we spoke for 20 minutes, and I promised her we would take care of that, and that’s obviously what we are doing.”

Q Construction said it will continue doing whatever it can to fix the lot before moving on to other projects.

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