Burger King bandit breaks into car in Englewood

Reporter: Justin Kase
Published: Updated:

Three double-bacon cheeseburgers and a chicken sandwich led deputies straight to the Burger King Bandit.

Forty-three-year-old Vladimir Belyshev Jr. is accused of breaking into a car at a Burger King in Englewood.

When confronted, he ran, but the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office was quick to “ketchup.”

CCSO has dubbed this dude the “BK Bandit.” They even fashioned a photoshopped crown on his mugshot.

The sheriff’s office said Belyshev targeted cars and trucks at Bay Heights Park in Englewood, a park people and boaters love.

Just as some boaters were returning to the park earlier this month, they saw Belyshev rummaging through their car and noticed that the back window was smashed out.

The boaters chased after Belyshev, who ditched his e-bike and backpack. Deputies found a bag of fresh Burger King in the guy’s backpack—three double bacon cheeseburgers and a chicken sandwich—and they were still hot.

Deputies were finally able to track Belyshev down at his job.

Now, investigators are grilling him for answers.

The sheriff’s office said Belyshev confessed to three total crimes.

He faces a number of charges, including burglary, criminal mischief and grand theft.

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