Florida Blue and NCH fight could take your coverage away

Reporter: Tiffany Rizzo
Published: Updated:

A fight between Florida Blue and Naples Comprehensive Health (NCH) could take health care coverage from thousands while time to get a deal done comes close to running out.

Right now, Florida Blue is not sticking to NCH’s increase in service, and if they don’t by Sept. 30, NCH patients using Florida Blue will lose coverage.

Currently, NCH and Florida Blue are still negotiating, and they have until the end of September to come to an agreement.

NCH patients with this health insurance got a letter in the mail regarding this matter.

“It’s just really concerning to know that you might be losing your health care coverage from NCH,” said Rich, an NCH patient.

NCH is the closest emergency room and hospital to Rich and his wife. They rely on it for their healthcare.

“We’re going to have to be really careful about having a plan to get to another emergency room, other than the ones nearby us, so that’s number one, and for the doctors and the care that we have now at NCH, we’re going to have to switch. We’re gonna have to get out of that unless they can come to terms here and keep NCH in Florida Blue in network,” Rich said.

That’s what Rich is hoping for. Right now, NCH and Florida Blue are negotiating their contract. NCH said they need more money to keep up with inflation, and if they don’t reach an agreement by Sept. 30, those covered by Florida Blue will be out of network at NCH, meaning they will have to pay more out-of-pocket, change doctors or drive further for in-network services.

“It’s not just retired folks in that letter. They say NCH says they have the only birthing center in Collier County, so think of that if you have NCH and you’re gonna have a baby, you’re gonna go to NCH, and have an out-of-network cost coverage for baby,” Rich said.
so what can Florida Blue patients do?

NCH asks that you call Florida Blue at the number on the back of your insurance card and tell them how important it is to keep NCH in your network. You can also call your employer or broker, or if your renewal is coming up, choose a plan that has NCH in your network.

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