Neighbors upset over constant flooding in Port Charlotte

Reporter: Asha Patel Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

A couple living in Port Charlotte says they’ve been dealing with flooding issues for years every single time it rains.

They’re not the only ones. Now, people want something done about it.

Glenn and Barbara Royce have lived on Romell Street for the last four years.

They showed WINK News the puddles and standing water throughout their street.

“This has happened before to me. It’s a health hazard, mosquito breeding,” said Royce.

The Royces say when it rains, it floods on Romell Street.

“This has happened over the last couple years, but after this rain from this weekend, this is when it really built up,” said Royce.

Royce said Sunday morning, their streets were flooded.

“Water was just going right across the road about 8 inches deep, going right across the road,” said Royce.

While the water level has gone down a bit, there are still puddles and standing water on the grass.

“This will lay here for probably a month,” said Royce.

And they have one request from the county:

“They need to come look at this situation,” said Royce.

WINK News reached out to Charlotte County about the water, gave them the street name, and asked if they had heard from neighbors about these concerns.

A spokesperson responded to WINK saying they are having their public works department reach out. WINK has not heard back yet from the department.

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