North Port man accuses insurance carrier of fraud

Reporter: Claire Galt
Published: Updated:

A North Port man went on 60 Minutes to accuse his home insurance carrier, Hertigate Insurance of fraud and worse.

Jeff Rapkin said Heritage altered his licensed adjuster’s damage report, taking it from $231,00, down to $15,000.

Rapkin said that there is no way he can repair all the damage done to his North Port home on that.

Sources in Tallahassee said the reason the state never got involved in the Rapkin case was because the couple filed a ‘civil remedy notice’ with the Department of Financial Services in February 2023.

Florida says this system is used by parties who are beginning the process of filing suit “and once that happens”, Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis said “the issue is left to the courts.

Thursday evening, Rapkin said the state is lying. He then sent a letter to Patronis accusing him of complicity in fraud.

In a letter, Patronis attached what he said is the critical evidence in his fraud case against Heritage Insurance.

Exhibit 18 is the licensed adjusters’ report that says Hurricane Ian did $231,368.57 in damage to his North Port home.

Exhibit 5 is what Rapkin claims is Heritage’s altered adjuster’s report, totaling just $15,469.48.

Then Rapkins wrote to Patronis “Your continued refusal to take action can only lead to the conclusion that you are complicit in that continued fraud.”

Rapkin wrapped up his short letter by saying there are thousands of Floridians like him.

The Rapkin’ss lawsuit against Heritage goes to trial in less than three weeks from Oct., 3.

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