Lee Memorial Health System asks for breast milk donations

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LEE COUNTY, Fla.- Breast milk can make a huge difference in a baby’s life, but sometimes mothers have a hard time producing it on their own.

WINK News found out Lee Memorial Health System has opened two new breast milk depots, but they need help getting the milk from mothers who can give.

“If my milk needed to go for a sick baby, I would send it in a heartbeat.”

An emotional moment for Toby Sealey, a new mom, who just nine days ago gave birth to this little guy Braden. He was born six weeks early.

“It’s raw, it’s very real.”

Sealey says feeding her baby breast milk creates an indescribable bond.

“This is my mom, this is my provider, this is who is caring for me, I sense that every time we are together, every time he feeds from me,” said Sealey.

“We know breast milk is the number one choice,” said Erin Randall.

Lee Memorial Health System agrees and has opened two new breast milk depots that will benefit the little ones who need it most.

“The milk that is donated will go for premature and ill babies that are in neonatal intensive care units across the state,” said Nancy Travis, director of women’s services at Cape Coral Hospital.

The hospital is asking mothers in the community to consider donating their milk.

“We are looking for moms who have given birth and are breastfeeding their own babies and have a surplus. We always want moms to take care of their own babies needs first,” said Travis.

Right now, the closest depots are in Bradenton and Miami.

Depots are places mothers can donate, then the milk is sent to a milk bank to be processed.

“I was producing a lot of milk, so therefore I was able to donate to a friend who was struggling with her supply,” Randall told WINK News.

“I pump at home or I bring my milk in here, so I pump here and I leave it here to make sure my baby has plenty of milk.”

By being a milk depot, Lee Memorial Health System will get priority in getting milk if there is a shortage. The program is so new, there is no donated milk at this time.

You can donate by visiting the Cape Coral Hospital or HealthPark Medical Center.

To get started, mothers who are interested in donating can call  407-248-5050 to complete a telephone screening. Once it is determined that you are eligible to donate, a blood draw is required (the cost is covered by the milk bank); and you, your doctor and your baby’s pediatrician will need to sign medical release forms.  Your milk can then be dropped off at either of Lee Memorial Health System’s Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) milk banks:

Cape Coral Hospital: 239-424-2217
Family Birth Suites, 636 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral
Drop off times: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.- 8 p.m., and by appointment.

HealthPark Medical Center: 239-343-6024
Lactation Services, 9981 S. HealthPark Drive, Ste. 450, Fort Myers
Drop off times: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m., and by appointment.

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