Healthy Kids: Flu Season

Author: wink news
Published: Updated:

FORT MYERS, Fla. – It’s impossible to predict what this flu season will be like.

Dr. Annette St. Pierre-Mackoul stopped by the WINK studio to discuss the flu, flu season and flu vaccines.

Flu Season:
Unpredictable in timing, severity and length of season.
Virus changes constantly – new viruses can appear yearly.
Epidemic = Flu Season.  (October – May)
Flu Vaccine for all 6 mo – elderly.

Flu Vaccine – Earlier the better.
Flu vaccine takes 2 weeks to work.
Stay away from sick people.
Wash your hands frequently.
If you are sick, stay home.

Flu Vaccine in Children:
6 mo – 8 yrs needs 2 doses, 4 weeks apart, first year.
Recommended for all children over 6 mo.
Inactivated Flu Shot for children 6 mo – 2 yrs.
Live Flu Mist available for healthy children over 2 yrs.

Flu Vaccine in Adults:
Flu Shot vs. Flu Mist
Vital for chronically ill, childcare workers, health-care workers, pregnant women, parents of children less than 6 months old.
Flu Mist available to age 49 yrs.

Flu Vaccine 2015-2016:
A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09 – like virus
A/Switzerland/9715293/2013(H3N2) – like virus
B/Phuket/3073/2013 – like virus
Trivalent Vaccine vs. Quadrivalent Vaccine
+/- B/Brisbane/60/2008 – like virus (Quadrivalent)

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