Stray bullet hits home in Golden Gate Estates

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Some residents are concerned after a stray bullet struck the outside of a home on 14th Avenue Northeast.

Golden Gate Estates resident Michael Simonok found a bullet on the ground outside his bedroom window and says he frequently hears gunshots late at night.

“Every evening I go for a walk on the deck and Sunday morning I found a bullet laying on the ground,” Simonok said. “I look up there’s the hole right there and that’s exactly where I walk by 10 times a day!”

Simonok says the gunshots are coming from nearby residents target shooting.

“That’s reckless target shooting, that’s not the right way to do it,” Simonok said. “You’re supposed to be shooting at a berm, not up in the air where it can hit someone’s house.”

The state of Florida allows people to safely shoot targets on their own property if there’s less than one house per acre.

Even though residents can shoot on rural property, they could face a misdemeanor for shooting recklessly.

“There’s ladies walking their babies in strollers and kids on bicycles,” Simonok said. “Now, people are scared to be walking outside.”

It’s unclear where the bullet that hit the home came from at this time.

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