American pride has hit an all-time low, poll finds

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American flags flutters in the wind. Photo via CBS.
American flags flutter in the wind. Photo via CBS.

American patriotism is dwindling.

The numbers, from a new Gallup poll, are the lowest since the polling organization began gauging patriotic fervor this way in 2001.

The numbers have been falling for much of the 21st century, and are down even from last year. In 2018, 47% felt “extremely proud,” while this year 45% are saying the same thing.

Since 9/11, American pride has trended downward

In 2001, just before the September 11 attacks, Gallup captured 87% as feeling “proud” of America, and a further 55% as extremely proud. After the twin towers fell, American pride rose dramatically, with 69% and 70% feeling “extremely proud” between 2002 and 2004.

Since 2005, as the war in Iraq dragged on, however, American pride has mostly sloped southward, the polls show, to the 70% proud, and 45% extremely proud number where they now sit.

We have pride in our scientific accomplishments

Americans still have a lot of things to feel great about. We’re most happy about our history of scientific accomplishments with 91% feeling pride. Similarly, 89% of us take pride in our military, and 85% expressed pride to the pollsters on matters of American culture and the arts.

But just 32% feel pride in the American political system, according to the Gallup poll.

Pride is partisan

During the Obama years, Republican pride slipped 10 points, from 78% in 2009 to 68% in 2016.

On the Democratic side, the Trump presidency has slashed extreme pride in America in half, from 45% in 2016 to just 22% this year. Meanwhile, Republican pride has been creeping up a couple points each year since the 45th president took office.

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