Cape Coral charter school named after inspiring astronaut, teacher could change

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Outside of the school with her name. (Credit: WINK News)
Outside of the school with her name. (Credit: WINK News)

Teacher, astronaut and role model, Christa McAuliffe, has a charter school named for her in Southwest Florida. But that could soon change.

The superintendent of the City of Cape Coral Charter Schools, Jacquelin Collins, told WINK News the goals to unify its schools under one name, Oasis. That is why it wants to change the name from Christa McAuliffe Elementary to Oasis North at the Christa McAuliffe campus. While the name may change, the connection to Christa McAuliffe and her legacy will remain.

“Our logo, our mascot is still going to be the explorer,” Collins said. “All the mementos of Christa McAuliffe is still going to remain. They’re on the walls. They’re in the cafeteria. Her picture hangs in the front office. All of that was always going to remain.”

Cape Coral City Council has already approved the name change. The School District of Lee County has to sign off to make the update official. Collins told us they have not decided whether they will take the name off the building. But there is talk about building a memorial to McAuliffe on campus.

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