Byron Donalds in Atlanta ahead of presidential debate

Reporter: Claire Galt
Published: Updated:

President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump are gearing up for the earliest presidential debate in modern history. It will take place in Atlanta.

WINK News anchor Claire Galt is in metro Atlanta because local congressman Byron Donalds will soon arrive to take part in a forum on how Black men in particular will impact the presidential election.

Recent polls show Biden’s support among Blacks slipping, and Trump’s support growing.

In 2020, Black voters supported Biden by a 92 to 8% margin.

On Wednesday, that number shrunk to 77 to 18%

Both numbers are from the Pew Research Center, and in a razor-thin election, that small change could be big.

Voters of all races will watch Thursday night’s debate, wondering how both men will conduct themselves.

Most fear it will be more of what we saw four years ago.

WINK News will be airing the debate at 9 p.m. Thursday.

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