Restaurant dine-and-dash caught on video

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Surveillance video shows the moments on Sunday when a woman walked into a Port Charlotte restaurant and ordered enough food for two people ate about half of it then walked out without paying.

Bella Napoli owner Vitangelo Recchia posted her picture on Facebook and was shocked when at least two other restaurant owners messaged him saying she had done the same thing to them.

As a small business owner who tries to help his community where he can, he said it’s difficult to understand why someone would do this.

“I can’t even put any understanding to it. At the end of the day, we do what we do because we want to be in business. And we want to feed our community; we want to give good food to our customers. And when someone takes advantage of that.”

Recchia said while this whole thing has been disheartening for him, he’s not going to let it stop him from continuing to serve the community he loves

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