Hunters prevent 76 Burmese pythons and their 17-foot mother from devastating Everglades ecosystem

Author: Paul Dolan
Published: Updated:

A Burmese python was found deep in the Everglades, but the people who caught it were in for more than they bargained for.

The Burmese python problem is happening right now, but Kyle and Megan are thinking ahead.

They’re figuring out how to help Florida’s ecosystem stay balanced and healthy for years to come.

These hunters are thinking about Burmese python nests; catching a nearly 18-foot snake is nice, but getting the eggs is even better.

“That big girl that we captured, she was 17 feet six inches long guarding 76 eggs,” Kyle said.

A Burmese python can lay 50 to 100 eggs at a time, which means more invasive snakes are slithering around Southwest Florida and growing more and more each day.

“At this size, they started off eating mice and then rats eventually graduate to possums, raccoons, wading birds, and then eventually even get to the point where they’re eating alligator and regularly eating whitetail deer,” Kyle said.

When Burmese pythons eat, they get bigger, creating an even bigger problem for the ecosystem.

“If every single one of these babies was to survive to adulthood, let’s say about 13-14 feet, that’s going to result in 1,000s and 1,000s of native wildlife death,” Kyle said.

Burmese Python. CREDIT: TheCritterCult

Kyle and Meghan are staying focused on their conservation goal.

“Finding nests of pythons in the Everglades gives us hope. If we can find all of the nesting pythons in one area, we’re stopping an entire generation of babies from being born and genuinely putting a dent in their population. Next year, I’m really excited. I think we’re going to triple our effort and focus on just targeting these,” Kyle said.

Burmese Pythons
CREDIT: TheCritterCult

And that goal inches closer each time they find a nest in the wild.

Conservation is key for Kyle and Megan.

They love the Florida ecosystem, and by doing this, they said they’re trying to contribute to something bigger than themselves.

Click here to learn more about Burmese pythons and the impact they have on the Florida ecosystem.

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