Iona Ranch residents could lose their homes

Reporter: Haley Zarcone Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

The Iona Ranch community has spent every day since Hurricane Ian fighting to rebuild their lives; now it feels like they’re back at square one.

“This is not a mansion, but it’s a roof over our head. But it’s the only thing we have,” said Iona Ranch resident Michele Kane.

This trailer is all Kane has after Hurricane Ian, but it’s not even hers. The state put Kane up there, and now she’s on the verge of losing it.

“They said this program ends on the 31st of July, and it was already in May. Mid May or so I’m not really sure,” said Kane. “And then come July 1, is when we found these taped to our door. And that was official and we all knew we have 30 days to get out.”

WINK News reached out to the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

In an email, they said Unite Florida’s shelters program was “For 16 months of operations, and the state provided an additional six-month extension, for a total of 22 months,” it continues, “All households have received 90-day, 60-day and 30-day notices.”

“It’s just inhumane,” said Iona Ranch resident Ashley Wehrle. “Some people get their trailers donated to them at the end of the program, and then us, we get screwed, like nothing.”

Time is ticking before this park is cleared.

“I begged my caseworker, begged him,” said Wehrle. “I have two dogs that are part of my family along with my spouse and nowhere to go. I can’t live on the streets. I’ve got health conditions. I can’t … survive.”

If these neighbors at Iona Ranch can’t stay in their trailers, they say they won’t have anywhere else to go.

“My idea was see if there’s another piece of property that they can move over. I don’t mind if it takes two days. I’ll live in my car for two days if they move the trailer someplace else where I can stay so I know I have a roof over my head,” said Kane.

*In WINK News reporter Haley Zarcone’s original report, she reached out to FEMA about the trailers. FEMA has since clarified that it has no connection or authority over this state-run program.

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