Lee County School District installs program aimed at academic focus

Author: Sommer Senne, Camila Pereria Writer: Nicholas Karsen
Published: Updated:

Lee County teachers have had their hands full due to understaffing and classroom overcrowding; a new program may provide relief before the school year begins.

The Lee County School District is installing a program that alters the schedule of its middle schools from four classes every other day to seven classes every day.

The thought process behind this decision will provide teachers and students with an additional 720 minutes per week, allowing for a more thorough education.

The same method has been applied to the high schools within Lee County to address the learning loss from the COVID-19 pandemic and the abovementioned teacher shortage.

By switching to seven classes instead of eight, the district will require fewer teachers, helping in the learning gap.

Not everyone is on board with the decision. The most prominent voice is Lee County Teacher’s Union President Kevin Daly, who expressed his discontent with this approach as teachers will have less time to prepare and more classes to teach.

Teachers will be arriving later on Tuesday to discuss the new changes further.

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