Student move-in day kicks off at FGCU

Author: Sommer Senne Writer: Nicholas Karsen
Published: Updated:

Wednesday is the first move-in day at FGCU. It was a busy day for students and parents.

Whether they were incoming freshman or returning students, there was enthusiasm in the air.

Students are moving onto campus to start the fall semester and the next chapter of their life.

Over 4,700 students are expected to arrive throughout the weekend, many with parents by their side to unload essential products.

Move-in day is also known to be one of the most emotional ones for parents like Dennis and Amy Smith who are dropping off their daughter, Ava from Jacksonville, Florida.

“It’s definitely bittersweet. She gets to go and soar her wings a little bit, but at the same time, it’s sad because she is our baby,” said Dennis Smith.

Those same emotions are shared by freshman, Jaden Sanders from Lakeland, Florida.

“It’s definitely a bit emotional. Definitely shed some tears on the way here,” said Sanders. “I’m definitely excited that they all could be here just to take a step with me on this next journey, as they’ve supported me this way.”

But no journey is quite like Anneke Barnett and Esabella Kreitlow. They’re two incoming freshmen who traveled over 1,000 miles from Wisconsin and were strangers to each other until a few months ago.

“We ended up meeting through Instagram. I DM’d her on Instagram and we ended up getting along really well.”

Once they found out they were going to the same school, they decided to take the three-day car trip to FGCU together.

‘I’m driving down and I’m like well I don’t want to ship all my stuff so I asked are you going with your parents, she’s like no and I’d be willing to go with,” said Barnett.

While saying goodbye isn’t easy, there is a silver lining.

“My dad is really obsessed with me sending him pictures of gators,” said Barnett. “But to my family and dad, I love you and I’ll make sure to send gators as soon as I see one.

That gator picture will go well with the biology degree Esabella plans to pursue during her time at FGCU.

As for Anneke, she plans to major in exercise science. The pair said they are so happy everything worked out the way it did.

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