Charlotte County Sheriff details scene after deputies shoot and kill unarmed man

Reporter: Annalise Iraola Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

WINK News is working to get the body camera footage of a deputy-involved shooting that left a man dead, but in the meantime, the sheriff is speaking out.

It happened at Elroy Clarke’s home on Sandy Pine Drive in Charlotte County.

Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell said deputies used several less lethal efforts while trying to arrest Clarke on an outstanding warrant.

That included using a Taser, baton, pepper spray and physically restraining him. The sheriff noted Clarke threw three deputies off him like rag dolls.

Deputies also fired bean bag rounds before, Sheriff Prummell said, Clarke charged at his men, which was when deputies fired two shots and killed Clarke.

WINK News is still learning more about what happened Wednesday afternoon when deputies were called to Sandy Pine Drive, a private road in Charlotte County.

The disturbance was between Clarke, the property owner, and Troy Johnson a guest on the property that Clarke wanted to leave.

Once deputies arrived, they learned Clarke had an outstanding warrant for his arrest and attempted to arrest him.

Prummel said Clarke did not comply and deputies had no choice but to use deadly force.

“He charged one of the deputies, and he actually got his hands on the deputy. The deputy had drawn his weapon and fired, so two deputies did fire their firearms in this and unfortunately, Mr. Clarke did succumb to his wounds,” said Prummell.

Dalton Fiata, a contractor, was working at the home before the situation escalated.

“[Elroy] was a very nice, peaceful gentleman. Never had an issue with him. I had only been working down there for about a week,” said Fiata.

But when Clarke began to argue with Johnson, Fiata said he didn’t want to be involved, so he took his break.

“The homeowner had called the 911 operator to get the guy some assistance, mental help, and get him off his property, so I decided, I was like, ‘All right, well, I’m gonna go take lunch’, said Fiata. “I just told him. I was like, ‘Hey, I’m gonna go get some lunch.’ He’s like, ‘That’s not a bad idea’. And then that was it. Was the last thing I talked to him.”

When Fiata returned, authorities told him that the road was blocked off and that he wouldn’t be able to return to the house.

“There’s a bunch of mixed emotions. You know, this gentleman lost his life, and that’s very serious. You know, life is very precious,” said Fiata.

The sheriff’s office told WINK News the deputy with a head injury was treated and released and is doing OK. The other two deputies are on paid administrative leave.

Meanwhile, Johnson was arrested for failure to register as a convicted felon and an added count of resisting without violence.

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